2016-2017 Angel Cats

Star, 17, a very pretty calico female, was placed in 2010 when her owner, to whom she was very attached, went into a nursing home. Star was used to her quiet life as an only cat and was afraid at this new strange place. When staff and volunteers tried to reassure her, she would strike with her paw in fear. After months of volunteers just sitting with and talking to her, she started to thaw. Then, Caretaker Annie initiated play with wand toys and Star bonded to her, following her around and meowing when she came near. Later, she jumped in Caretaker Rima’s lap—another milestone-and bonded to her and Caretaker Joyce as well. She became the “office cat” Everyone had finally earned her trust. Star thrived for 7 yrs. with no medical issues. She started losing weight and had bloody diarrhea. We tried for a week to stabilize her but she ultimately could not maintain her body temp. and intestinal cancer was suspected. Joyce was with her and sang her the song her former owner sang to her “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” as she passed peacefully on December 9, 2016.

Lil’ Teddie, 13, was born on Halloween 2003 a sweet Tortie/ Siamese mix, and placed with her 4 brothers— Keller and Pumpkin who still remain; Half Pint passed 2010; and Snowball was adopted by volunteer Ali in 2010. The siblings were placed in 2008. Their story begins when their placer discovered kittens being placed in a dumpster for 5 nights in a row. She kept them for 5 yrs but circumstances necessitated her placing them with us in 2008. To start, Teddie was timid. She could not be petted until Bimali and Erandi showered her with attention and love. This enabled us to give her medication and treatment for kidney disease which made her life more comfortable. Her favorite spot was in her bed on top of the bookcase in the main house. She waged a long a valiant battle which came to an end on November 17, 2016 when she was humanely euthanised to end her suffering. On the day she died, Volunteer Terri spent most of her time cuddling her. “She was content and purring but her eyes were vacant”. Caretaker Joyce came to say good bye. Teddie received many goodbye kisses her last day

Longtime resident, Sammy, 17, was with us for 15 yrs. A wonderful cat, he had more than 9 lives. We thought several years ago we would lose him as he suffered from pancreatitis, a heart murmur and failing kidneys. During a bad bout last year, volunteer Pam A. came every day to encourage him to eat and he bounced back. He was diagnosed with lung cancer and the last few weeks he stomach began filling with fluid. We drained it, but finally his body could not keep up. Sammy was such a part of Blue Bell that it will not be the same without him. He lost his battle October 20. The picture above was taken within a week before he died.
Memorial for Sammy (see PASSINGS) by Vena, his Mom
Sammy, dear, sweet Sammy,
In 2000, I found you wandering around my front door as a stray and took you in my arms. Your instant purr melted my heart and I couldn't leave you out there to fend for yourself. I brought you in to join my 'cat' family and you bonded with your new brother, Majik. Unfortunately you did not get along with your new brother, Max, so I took you to Blue Bell to live out the rest of your life. I was lucky it was close by and I could come and visit you and continue to give you your much loved belly rubs!! The way you would stretch out your arms during those belly rubs was adorable. You were so friendly with everyone and the staff and volunteers there adored you. Through the years you battled several illnesses and other health issues, proving once again that you planned to live out all of your nine lives!!! You continued to be so loving and purring so loudly, even the last time I came and visited you and held you in my arms..... This time the cancer was too hard and it was time for you to be set free, to run and jump and play and purr once again beyond the Rainbow Bridge. Rest in peace, my sweet darling, Sammy... You brought such joy to so many people who will surely miss you.. I hope you get lots of belly rubs.
Love forever, Mom

Tigger, 15, orange & white with beautiful aqua eyes, was with us 4 yrs. He’d had several lives, suffering from stomatitis, a painful mouth condition. He rallied for several years. He became our official greeter and toward the end, spent most of the time in the office. A large tumor finally claimed him. On September 20, volunteers Pam A., Lee & Lindsey said goodbye. Even his best friend Sammy came to his side, exactly a month before his own passing. He passed peacefully at Canyon with Joyce comforting him on his journey.

BJ, 17, left us too soon as he was with us only 1 1/2 yrs. Although he was placed at an already advanced age, he was quite active, very outgoing seeking pets and attention. He showed no signs of illness and was a good weight. He started acting strangely, and sadly died suddenly before we could get him to the vet. He was diagnosed with a liver abscess.

Charlie, 13, also only with us 1 1/2 yrs. His gorgeous orange coat matched his fiery personality. He began losing weight and finally succumbed to lymphoma in August. We were saddened at this sudden loss.

Coming soon

Murray, 13, was with us 2 yrs. Quite the gentlemen, Murray with the unique dark nose was diagnosed with acute kidney failure several months before he passed

Squirt, 10, with us 2 yrs. Always petite she loved her condo and craved attention. She began losing more weight, then lost her appetite, became weak and jaundiced. A large liver tumor was found and liver/ pancreatic cancer was diagnosed. She could not be restored to a good quality of life, and on July 10 she was compassionately euthanised.

Niki, 15, passed June 9 from intestinal lymphoma. A sweet girl, she was placed when her former owner could not handle giving her medication. We were happy to do that for her for 2 years, and her owner was most grateful for that. We will miss Niki’s sweet meow.

Precious, 16, came in 2009. Her kind former owner had taken her in as a stray and felt she could no longer care for her. Precious charmed everyone from the start and everyone loved her. She enjoyed sunning herself outdoors. She had several common geriatric conditions— hyperthyroidism, kidney failure and anemia. Her thyroid and kidneys were under control and her anemia also was for a time with medication, but it finally took its toll. She tried to eat one last meal but became too weak—however she grabbed Rima's arm with her paws to get pets and head scratches. Precious was put to sleep on the patio by Dr. G, with Joyce holding her in her arms and Rima petting her head, one last time in the sunshine.

Valentino, 19, a stunning long haired blue-point Siamese was with us most of his life, since 2000. His looks never aged and he remained healthy. A favorite of many, Valentino was pleasant and mellow. Just last year he was our ambassador at the Pet Parade. A few months before he died he was diagnosed with lymphoma. He did fairly well and still sought attention right up to the day before he died when he lost his appetite. His kidneys began to fail. He purred until the end when he died on his own. Valentino collapsed, gasped for air, and took his last breath in Rima’s arms at 1:15 PM, Sunday October 4. Blue Bell will not feel the same without our blue-eyed beauty.

Abbey, 21, our adorable gray Persian muffin came in 2008 with red Persian Ruby, after their young owner died of cancer. Ruby died at 17 in 2013. Abbey looked and indeed was very healthy and active until she started to decline of age-related illness. She began to lose her balance but remained bright and alert and made a valiant effort to recover with the help of some palliative care at Canyon Animal Hospital. Although her spirit was willing, her little body was not responding and she never regained the ability to “right herself”. After determining there was no possibility of recovery, she was let go on May 29 with Caregiver Rima letting her know how loved she was. Abbey enjoyed several milestone birthday celebrations with same-aged Smokey Jill, who passed at 21 just 3 weeks prior on May 7.

Longtime resident Shiva, 19, came in 2002. She was in our upper house until she developed bladder stones and became overweight. She was moved to our TLC Anderson-Wentzel house so she could start a special diet to control both. The stones did clear, though she was always a bit plump. Shiva was unique and could be temperamental (especially with the other cats), equally loving, but at times a bit grouchy. She loved her sun porch and visits from people. In her final months she began to lose weight and was diagnosed with severe progressive kidney disease. She was at the vet for almost a week with supportive care which included warm baths. We were all hoping she could return to Blue Bell, but it was not to be. She became disoriented and vomiting blood. Shiva died November 29, 2015 with Joyce and Dr. Jen at her side.

We lost sweet, gentle Simon, 14, too soon. He came this past March. A round orange tabby, he was somewhat shy at first but eventually made his way out and enjoyed sitting in the new play area and also welcomed more attention as he became more comfortable. In the summer he was diagnosed with kidney failure and started fluid treatments to slow the progression of the disease. A week before he died he took a serious turn for the worst. He did not respond to intensive treatment and was let go November 14 with Caregivers Joyce and Susan at his side.

Far Far, approx. 14, was found on the street in the midst of a diabetic seizure. He eventually made it to us in 2011, where he lived in his own suite in the lower house so his diabetes could be managed. Far Far had several close calls, but always rallied. However he died in his sleep on April 14, 2015. The cause was heart failure. We are happy he was able to live his last 3 years with us—safe and sound—and off the streets.

We lost Spike, 13, way too soon. He came with brother Angelo in 2013. Spike underwent a couple eye surgeries to correct a painful birth defect, only to develop an abdominal tumor. Volunteers notice this hugely affectionate kitty suddenly withdraw, then have trouble walking. Rushed to our vet in dire condition, the cancer claimed him on March 20, 2015.

Smokey Jill, 21, was with us over 10 years. He’d had a rough past outside which left him with one eye. Luckily, “Captain” Smokey lived the remainder of his life in peace. He was a favorite of many. Smokey loved the outside patio, not surprising since he lived outdoors for part of his life. In March we celebrated his 21 birthday with housemate Abbey, also 21. Recently he became very weak, and died of cardiac arrest on May 7, 2015.

Tux, 17, lived with us 9 yrs. With his classic tuxedo looks, Tux was a droll kitty. he would snooze all day until 3, then get up and walk to the patio area (we think he was part night watchman, part frat boy). He became anemic and died of kidney failure on May 6, 2015.

Baby, 20, was with us over 15 years. She came to us with siblings, Patches, Mitz, & Blackie, all who pre-deceased her. Baby was one of our vocal greeters, always offering her paw to say hello. One of her favorite areas was the “bunk bed” area of main house. She became anemic and weak and died of agerelated illness on February 4, 2015.