2005-2006 Angel Cats

Grey Smokey, 14, a blind kitty, demonstrated so much fortitude even as his condition worsened.

We lost Miss Ginger on Friday, September 1st, 2006. Her kidney condition deteriorated and Donna felt that she couldn't wait any longer, so she took her to Canyon and Dr. Hamil put her to sleep. She was a brave little girl and she put up a good fight, but her body couldn't fight the kidney disease any longer.

Blue Bell remembers Sandy, an extraordinarily special kitty. Beautiful Sandy--curious, playful, devoted companion. Everybody who met you fell in love with you. Even though you had a short little life, we know it was a happy life, and you gave back so much joy and comfort. You were taken from us too soon. Our hearts are broken. The angels have you now. We miss you so. You will live forever in our hearts.

One year ago we featured our beloved blind cat Charlie Wonder. We are saddened to report that he died recently. Charlie came to the Blue Bell in 1993 at the age of 4, so he was 17 and lived most of his life at the Blue Bell. He found peace and comfort in his last dying days at the Blue Bell. Humans and cats were able to just sit and visit and say their goodbyes. Throughout the day, many of the cats would come and sit by him —they knew. Even Wild Charlie —one of Blue Bell’s “feral” residents—visited him. Howdie, our little angel tortie cat would groom his head. He had a peaceful ending, and he knew how much he was loved. We were all devastated, and miss him so much.

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Coming soon

Viola was flown from San Francisco to the Blue Bell after the death of her mom and grandpa. She was a sweet loving beautiful girl. Long haired with the most beautiful green sparkly eyes you have ever seen!!!
After a battle with kidney failure, she was euthanized and passed peacefully.

Coming soon

Curly was diagnosed with feline leukemia about a year ago so she had to be separated from the other cats in her own suite. She craved attention and would literally throw herself against you to be loved and scratched. She especially loved her Zoom Groom brush. She would get so excited and throw her body against it and rub her gums and head all along the rubber nubs. She will be missed.

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Coming soon

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